Evolve 4EL23
Evolve 4EL23

Engine configuration | 4-cylinder inline engine |
Power range | Up to 1,320 kWm (continuous rating) |
Power range | Up to 1,800 HP (continuous rating) |
Nominal engine speed | Max. 1,200 rpm |
Engine cycle | Four-stroke |
Sense of rotation | Anti-Clock or Clock |
Fuel injection | Direct fuel injection |
Turbo | Turbocharged |
Charge air | Water-cooled |
Emission compliance | IMO Tier II, IMO Tier III , EU Stage V in combination with EVOLVE EATS |
Fuel flexibility | Diesel, Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), Gas Oil (GO), Biofuel |
Anglo Belgian Corporation (ABC) is thrilled to announce the introduction of a brand-new, multifuel engine platform facilitating the transition from conventional fuel to new and future fuel types. With the new EVOLVE range, ABC wants to help business partners to evolve towards an ultra low or zero emission operation. The first member of this range is a compact yet very powerful 4-cylinder medium speed engine: the 4EL23.
Uncertain policy reforms, competing technologies and volatile fuel prices… how to mitigate unpleasant surprises as you prepare the future of your fleet? Will harbours become low emission zones, just like cities? Will hydrogen replace all other fuels? You just can’t predict the future…
EVOLVE is developed to tackle the challenge of uncertainty. Stay fuel independent and efficient. Go harder, longer and cleaner, year after year. Make a smart and safe investment in your maritime activities, as you win a cost competitive edge with every mile you cleave through the water.
- A Future Proof and Compact Engine Platform
- Predesigned to integrate the most recent future technologies (liquid fuel, dual fuel, spark-ignited)
- Facilitating financially viable conversion/retrofit to new fuel types using the exact same engine
- Offers the best efficiency for every fuel type
- IMO Tier III certified and EU stage V compliant
With the 4EL23, first member of the EVOLVE range, ABC opens up a new route towards a green future for maritime transportation. We present the combustion engine of the next century, whatever the fuel. The 4EL23 is the first multifuel medium speed engine to face the transition from fossil-based to zero-carbon head-on. We are changing the game. As such, we both propel the profitable growth of our clients and protect the future of our planet. At ABC, performance, efficiency and future proof versatility go together. With the 4EL23 and the EVOLVE range, we innovate uncertainty and unpredictability out of the equation.
The 4EL23 is a compact, strong medium-speed 4-cylinder engine delivering superior engine performance at full and partial load. To support the current energy transition, the 4EL23 is fully optimised to run efficiently on diesel with EATS technology for ultra-low emissions until other fuels are economically available.