Evolve 20EV23
Evolve 20EV23

Engine configuration | 20-cylinder V engine |
Power range | Up to 7,200 kWm (MCR) |
Power range | Up to 9,660 HP (MCR) |
Nominal engine speed | Max. 1,200 rpm |
Engine cycle | Four-stroke |
Sense of rotation | Anti-Clock or Clock |
Fuel injection | Direct fuel injection |
Fuel injection (alternative) | Direct, mechanical, one pump per cylinder |
Turbo | Single/Double Stage Turbo |
Charge air | Water-cooled |
Emission compliance | IMO Tier II, IMO Tier III, EU Stage V in combination with EVOLVE EATS |
Fuel flexibility | Diesel, Marine Diesel Oil (MDO), Gas Oil (GO), Biofuel |
Uncertainty about policy reforms, competing fuel technologies, volatile prices, regional instability and accompanying supply chain disruptions… How to mitigate risk and unpleasant surprises as you prepare for the future of your fleet.
EVOLVE is developed to tackle that challenge -for you. Stay fuel independent and superefficient. Go harder, longer, faster and cleaner, year after year. With the 20EV23 medium speed engine your future is safe as of today.
Make the safe and smart investment in your maritime activities, as you outperform others and win a cost competitive edge with every mile you cleave through the water.
The EVOLVE 20EV23 engine is characterised by:
Our ability to innovate gives our customers a competitive advantage. EVOLVE is the latest proof of this. It sets a new standard for a greener, more efficient and fuel-flexible maritime future. Not by predicting ‘the’ future, but by developing smart and sustainable solutions
The EVOLVE 20EV23 generates abundant power when needed. High responsiveness wrapped up in a compact design, to meet the most demanding circumstances at sea. Because they always arise when you least expect it.
More power for less fuel. A budgetary push in the back for extra speed or longer-lasting fuel autonomy, while you get the job done. This improves your vessel’s performance and relieves the burden of fuel prices. EVOLVE offers the best efficiency for any fuel type.
In today’s world, you must be prepared for unforeseen circumstances at sea. And whatever happens, you need the equipment to keep going for a long, very long time. The new EVOLVE engine is a very reliable, 24/7 heavy-duty partner in calm and rough seas.
Financing a green future for marine operations can be a worrisome task. Each engine of the EVOLVE range is equipped with a future-proof multi-fuel design. It gives you a choice between liquid, dual fuel and gas combustion.